
On this page you will find the disclaimer of www.holy-supps.co.uk, as made available by Holy-Supps. In this disclaimer we indicate the conditions under which we provide the information on our website to you. Please note that this disclaimer may change from time to time. Should it change, you will find the most recent version of the disclaimer on this page.

Holy-Supps hereby grants you access to www.holy-supps.nl (the website) and invites you to purchase what is on offer. Holy-Supps reserves the right to modify the content or remove sections at any time without having to notify you.

Limited liability
Holy-Supps makes every effort to update and/or supplement the content of the website as often as possible. Despite this care and attention, it is possible that the content is incomplete and/or incorrect. The materials offered on the website are offered without any form of guarantee or claim to accuracy.

Specifically, prices and other information about products on the website are subject to manifest programming and typing errors. You cannot claim an agreement with Holy-Supps. For hyperlinks to third-party websites or services included on the website, the Holy-Supps never accepts liability.

All intellectual property rights concerning these materials belong to Holy-Supps and its licensors. Use of the information on this website is free as long as you do not copy, distribute or otherwise use or misuse this information without written permission from Holy-Supps, except and only to the extent otherwise provided in regulations of mandatory law (such as right to quote), unless otherwise indicated in the case of specific materials.

Feeding schedule

The feeding schedule services of Holy-supps.co.uk are results-oriented without guaranteeing results.

The winner uses the services of holy-supps.co.uk at their own risk. Holyholy-supps.nl excludes any liability for damage or injury resulting from, or related to, the customer's compliance with advice provided by holy-supps.nl, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of Holy-supps.co.uk.